46 H9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Program Mode Menu Navigation
The following table lists the menu items of the Program mode and maps the flow of the menu selections.
The Parameter Numbers for the listed functions are provided where applicable.
The functions listed may be accessed (and changed) as mapped below or via the Direct Access method:
Program ⇒ Direct Access ⇒ Applicable Parameter Number.
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Primary Menu Sub Menu Parameter Name
See the section titled Initial Setup on pg. 70 for Startup Wizard Requirements.
Accel/Decel #1
Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration F000
Acceleration Time 1 F009
Deceleration Time 1 F010
Acceleration/Deceleration Suspended Function F349
Acceleration Suspend Frequency F350
Acceleration Suspend Time F351
Deceleration Suspend Frequency F352
Deceleration Suspend Time F353
Frequency Settings
Maximum Frequency F011
Upper Limit Frequency F012
Lower Limit Frequency F013
V/f Pattern F015
Time Limit for Lower Limit Frequency Operation F256
Motor Set #1
Automatic Torque Boost F001
Base Frequency 1 F014
Manual Torque Boost 1 F016
Motor Overload Protection Level 1 F600
Standard Mode
Command Mode F003
Frequency Mode 1 F004
Forward/Reverse Run F008
Frequency Priority F200
Frequency Mode 2 F207
Frequency Mode Priority Switching Frequency F208
FM Output Terminal Function F005
FM Output Terminal Adjustment F006