
44 H9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Torque Displays the Output Torque as a percentage of the rated capacity of the H9 ASD.
Torque Reference Displays the Torque Reference as a percentage.
Torque Current Displays the torque-producing current value.
Excitation Current Displays the current value required to produce the excitation field.
PID Feedback — Provides a status of the PID Real Time Feedback in Hz.
Input Power — Displays the Input Power in Kilowatts (Kw).
Output Power — Displays the Output Power in Kilowatts (Kw).
Pattern Group NumberDisplays the active Pattern Run Group Number.
Pattern Group CycleDisplays the cycle number of the active Pattern Run Group.
Pattern Group PresetDisplays the active Preset Speed being run of the active Pattern Run
Pattern TimeDisplays the remaining time for the active Pattern Run Group.
RR — Displays the RR input value as a percentage of the full range of the RR value (potentiometer
*V/I — Displays the V/I input setting as a percentage of the full range of the V/I value.
Note: The isolated V/I input terminal may receive Current or Voltage to control the
output speed or the output torque. The input signal type must be selected at SW301
on the Terminal Board.
The V input setting of SW301 is used for the 0 – 10 VDC analog input signal and
the I input setting of SW301 is used for the 0 – 20 mA analog input signal. Either
may be used as a frequency or torque command source. See parameter
F201 for
more information on the setup of this terminal.
On the LCD display the V/I terminal is listed as the VI/II terminal (the additional
letter I is used to indicate “input.”).
RX — Displays the RX input setting as a percentage of the full range of the RX value (-10 to
+10 VDC input).
RX2 Option (AI1) — Displays the RX2 input setting as a percentage of the full range of the RX2
Note: The RX2 function is available on the Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board
(P/N ETB003Z) only.
Trip CodeDisplays None if there are no errors, or displays one of the associated Fault Codes
listed in
Table 14 on page 250 if there is an active Fault (e.g., E = Emergency Off).
Past Trip #1 This function records and displays the last trip incurred. Subsequent trips will
replace Past Trip #1. As trip records are replaced they are shifted to the next level of the Past Trip
locations until being deleted (i.e., Past Trip #1 is moved to Past Trip #2 and then to #3 until being
shifted out of #4). Once shifted out of Past Trip #4 the record is deleted. If no trips have occurred
since the last reset, None is displayed for each trip record.
Past Trip #2 Past Trip information.
Past Trip #3Past Trip information.
Past Trip #4Past Trip information.
Note: An improper H9 ASD setup may cause some trips — reset the H9 ASD to the
Factory Default settings before pursuing a systemic malfunction (Program
Utilities Type Reset Reset to Factory Settings).