System/Station Administration –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Programming/Updating System
➤ To program or update the entire system or an individual port
1. Highlight the Telephone Location field of the physical port with which you wish to work.
Enter the physical telephone location (for example, main conference room, VP office,
lunch room, etc.).
2. Highlight the Log. Port No. field of the physical port.
Note Logical port number assignments are the same as the physical port unless you wish to
relocate (swap) telephone attributes.
This enables you to utilize the telephone attributes (voice mail, speed numbers, messages,
etc.) of a particular telephone at a different location. For example, you might wish to
transfer your office telephone attributes to a conference room.
3. Type the logical (Log.) port number of the telephone containing the attributes you wish to
transfer and press Enter. The ports relocate after you press F9 to save and upload.
Important! Ports only relocate to the same Port Type (PT).
4. Highlight the Int/PDN No. field. This field enables you to change a telephone’s intercom
number. If you attempt to enter a number already assigned to another telephone, an error
message displays: Conflict found in Int./DN numbering
Note You cannot duplicate DNs/intercom numbers.
if you would like to change the DNs/intercom numbers on all of the ports at one time,
press F5. A message displays.
Press any key to continue. A Change dialog box displays.
Enter the Starting Int./DN Number you wish to assign and press Enter. A pop-up screen
displays: This operation will modify DN numbers. Go ahead?
Press Enter to continue or highlight No and press Enter to discontinue the procedure.
The DNs/intercom numbers for all of the ports are changed if you enter Yes.
5. Highlight the DID No. field. This field enables you to enter a dial-in-direct extension
number. If you attempt to enter a number already assigned to another telephone, an error
message displays: Conflict found in DID Extension numbering
Please review Program 05 either before or after making
your changes as conflicts may arise from inserting Int./
DN numbers which start with the same digit as the access
codes in Program 05.
In a default DK setting, digits 8 and 9 are used in Pro-
gram 05 and therefore should not be used as the first
digit of Int./DN numbers.
PDN Port Ref. From 000 to 031, Starting DN:_________.
Blank entry does not change value, “0” indicates blank.