Upgrade ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
When using DKAdmin/DKBackup, the following list provides important information regarding
specific programs:
● Program 00: DKAdmin/DKBackup does not upgrade the DK security codes in Program
00-1 and 00-2. If required, change the code using the DKAdmin Program Administration
Section option or manually from the programming telephone.
● Program 03: On new or upgraded installations, Program 03 should always be checked
and updated using DKAdmin Program Administration Section option or manually from
the programming telephone to make sure all PCB slots have the correct codes for PCBs
and PCB options. Strata DK power must be turned off (five seconds) and then on after
uploading (restoring) Program 03 to enable its data to take effect.
● Programs 04, *04 and *09: When uploading these programs, DKAdmin/DKBackup
downloads them from the processor, compares and arranges data in an acceptable order
and uploads the data to the Strata DK.
● When upgrading processors, [DNs] that are not programmed or do not exist on the
original processor in Programs 04, *04, *09, and 71-0, are blanked out on the new
processor. For example, when upgrading from Release 2 to Release 3, all [PhDNs] are
blank on the new Release 3 processor. This is necessary to prevent numbering conflicts.
CAUTION! ACD/DID assignments in Program
09 cannot be restored (uploaded) with
early ROM versions of Strata DK Release 2 ROMs; they must be restored
using the programming telephone. ROM, RCA-6K(RCTUC/D2) and
RBA-6H(RCTUB2) and later, and Flash Memory versions provide the ACD/
DID assignments (Program
09) restore function.
Strata DK Release 3 Added Features: Strata DK Release 3 enables you to backup and restore
Station Call Forward and Message Waiting status. However, when you upgrade from Strata
DK Release 1 or 2 to Release 3, Call Forward and Message Waiting data are lost.
When upgrading from Strata DK, Release 3 to Release 3.10 or higher, station Call Forward,
Message Waiting, and Lost ANI/Caller ID data are saved and restored from the original
processor to the new processor.
CLID: To restore lost call number data, stations must have memory allocated in Program
Important! When backing up or upgrading Strata DK Release 1 Processors: The original
release of Strata DK software version RCA-3U, 3X or 3Z; RBA-X3F (Release 1,
June 1, 1993) stores station memory files (REPALL, MSGALL, VIDALL,
MIDALL, ADMEMOAL, and NAMEALL) in a list format which uses a large
amount of the PC’s memory and takes a long time to back up and restore.
Toshiba recommends using an MS-DOS edit program to edit out all lines of
backed-up data (in each file) that do not contain actual speed dial numbers, user
names, etc. This should be done before restoring the customer database. This
editing process will not be necessary when backup/restore is used with Strata DK
software versions following the original June 1, 1993 release. Release 1 ROM,
RCA-4A (Released September 1, 1993) and later, and Flash Memory versions
store data in a compressed format and do not require the file editing.
Release 1 processors (shipped between June 1993 and August 1993) may fail
during the download process. It may be necessary to download individual files