BarGraph: Refer to Figure 55. This
type of meter implements a linear bar
graph display format. Hovering the
mouse pointer over the red portion of
the graph pops up a tooltip which
displays the current indicated value
and units.
Meter: Refer to Figure 56. This type
of meter implements a common panel
meter-type display format. The units
string is shown on the face of the
meter. All raw register values are
interpreted as positive numbers (i.e.
0..0xFFFF equates to 0..65535
Pos/Neg Meter: Refer to Figure 57.
Similar to the “meter” gauge, this type
of meter also implements a common
panel meter-type display format, but in
this instance the indicated value can
be positive or negative (two’s
complement interpretation). In other
words, raw register values between
0..0x7FFF equate to 0..32767
, and
values between 0x8000..0xFFFF
equate to -32768..-1. Because the
meter placard is always centered
around zero, the “Min Value” attribute
is not configurable, and the “Max
Value” attribute is used for both the maximum positive indicated value as well as the
maximum negative indicated value.
Figure 55: BarGraph
Figure 56: Meter
Figure 57: Pos/Neg Meter