10.4.6 Radix Selection
Figure 15 shows the radix selection buttons.
These selection buttons allow changing the
Parameter List “value” column data display and
entry radix between decimal and hexadecimal
When “DEC” is selected, the “value” column heading will be “Value (Decimal)”,
current parameter values will be displayed in decimal, and values to be written to
parameters must be entered in decimal format. For example, to change the drive’s
frequency command to 40.00Hz, enter the decimal value 4000.
Similarly, when “HEX” is selected, the “value” column heading will be “Value
(Hexadecimal)”, current parameter values will be displayed in hexadecimal, and
values to be written to parameters must be entered in hexadecimal format. For
example, to turn on bits #15, #14 and #10 in the drive’s “command 1” word, enter the
hexadecimal number C400.
Figure 15: Radix Selection