This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located
or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure
limits set forth Ibr an tmcontrolled environment. This
equipment should be installed and operated with mininrl.nrr
distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.
ENERGYSTAR_ UserInformation
ENERGY STAR User Information Statement: the fhctory
default settings of this television meet ENERGY STAR"
requirements. Changing Picture Settings may increase
energy consumption, possibly beyond the limits required for
ENERGY STAR qualification.
To ensure your television is operating at optimal energy
d_ciency, select [Home] mode during initial activation. To
return to [Home] mode settings, select the [Installation] icon
from the menu, select [Store Home Mode], then select
[Home]. This places the TV in [Standard] mode. [Standard]
mode is recomnrended for nornral home use.
ENERGY STAR a qualified TV. Prodncts
that earn the ENERGY STAR prevent
green house gas emissions by meeting
strict guidelines set by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
mark arc registered U.S. marks.
importantnotesaboutyour TV
The following symptoms are technical limitations of
LCD Display technology and are not an indication of
malfunction; therefore, Toshiba is not responsible for
perceived issues resulting from these symptoms.
1) An afterimage (ghost) may appear onthe screen ifa
fixed, non-moving image appears for a long period of
time. The afterimage is not permanent and will
disappear in a short period of time.
2) The LCD panel contained inthis TV is manufactured
using an extremely high level of precision technology;
however, there may be anoccasional pixel (dot of
light) that does not operate properly (does notlight,
remains constantly lit,etc.). This is a structural
property of LCD technology, isnot a sign of
malfunction, and is not covered under your warranty.
Such pixels are not visible when the picture isviewed
from anormal viewing distance.
Note: Interactive video games that involve shooting a
"gun" type of joystick at an on-screen target may not
work with this T_