106 UsingiheTWsAdvancedFeatures
Settlingup the Network
Se ing upthe Network
You can select the Network Type.
1 Press the MENU button.
2 Select Network > Network Setup > Connection Type and
press the OK button.
3 Press A/T (arrow) buttons to select Wired or Wireless.
4 Press the OK button.
@ If you select Wired, see Advanced Netuork Setup" on
page 111.
If you select Wireless, see the next section.
NOTE ContinuedAP(AccessPoint)connectionisnotguaranteed.Connection
There are three methods for wireless setup:
@ Easy Setup (WPS) - ifAP supports WPS, this can be used.
@ WPS is a standard designed to simplify the connection of
wireless LAN equipment and the setup of network
security features.
@ Assisted Setup (setup using the AP's notification information)
- Network Name, Authentication, and Encryption are decided
based on information from the AR You need to manually set the
Security Key.
@ Manual Setup - requires manually entering all settings.
•_, Inorderto secureyourhomenetwork,it isstronglyrecommended
¢ WhenEncryptionis settoNone,datatransmittedoverawirelessLAN
interceptandmonitortransmitteddata,or illegallyaccessyourTV
¢ Toshibashallnotbeliableforanydamagesresultingfromdata
orfalsificationdueto unauthorizedaccess.