X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Connect the 2. Pressure Adaptor Harness (H1125) to the
connector labeled Pressure Sensor 1 on the Sprayer Harness
(Figure 5-5 on page 5-10)
Undo the two nuts ontop of the Pressure Sensor 3.
Place the two ring terminals, on the Pressure Adaptor 4.
Harness, onto the terminals on the Pressure Sensor
It does not matter which way around the terminals are
attached to the Pressure Sensor.
Replace the two nuts and tighten the nuts securely.5.
Installing the Valve Harness
Figure 5-5 on page 5-10 shows the Sprayer Harness and Valve
Harness Assembly.
The Valve Harness continues from the connector on the Sprayer
Harness and connects to the Section and Dump Valves on the
The Valve Harness normally contains connectors for the section
valves, they are either: 3 Wire Section Valves, 2 Wire Section
Valves or Solenoid Valves. See “Different Valve Types”, page
5-25 for an explanation of the different types of Section Valves.
If the Valve Harness has an Arag Interface Box
incorporated into the Harness then the Dump Valve plug
will be on the Valve Harness.