X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
6. Connect the Sprayer Switchbox (Figure 5-2 on page
5-2), to the 9-Pin connector, marked SWITCHBOX on the
Spray ECU.
Mount the Sprayer Switchbox, using the double-sided tape
supplied (or other suitable means).
Installing the Spray ECU 30S Topcon Precision
Agriculture Sprayer Kits
All Topcon Precision Agriculture Sprayer kits come with their
own installation guide, which is specific to each kit. Please use the
installation guide which came with your TPA Sprayer kit.
This section is a general guide for the installation of all Topcon
Precision Agriculture Spray ECU 30S Sprayer kits.
This section will cover:
Installing the • Tractor Harness
Installing the • Sprayer Harness
Installing the • Valve Harness.
Mount the Sprayer Switchbox in a position which is
easily accessible while spraying.