Do-it-YourselfMaintenance Built-inDMOvenCareandUseManual
Oo4t-Yourself Naintenance
Fahrenheit to Cemsius
Theoven hasbeen preset toa Fahrenheittemperature.
To change to Celsius, follow these steps:
I. Turn offovens.
at the same time for 3 seconds.
'F" appears in the temperature digits;release bothpads atthe
TouchCONVECTION; 'C" replaces 'F." This alternates when
Tocomplete thechange,touch 8TART.
Voltage Change Option
The oven hasbeen preset for 240 VAC. If yourresidence has been
supplied with 208 VAC, the oven voltage can be changed during
1. Turnboth ovens off.TouchOVENOFF for eachoven.
2. Touchand holdthe8TARTpad andthe8ELF CLEAN padatthe
sametime for 3 seconds.
3. "240" appears in the display. Release both pads atthe same
4. Touchthe 8ELF CLEAN pad. "240"is replacedwith '208." This
alternateswhen 8ELF CLEAN istouched.
5.Tocompletethechange,touch 8TART.
Calibrating Oven Temperature
The electronic thermostat has been preset to 0°F and accurately
maintains itssetting. Ifthe browning resultsare too lightor toodark
for your preferences, you can raise or lowerthe setting.
To change calibration of oven temperature for single or
upper ovens:
1. Turn off oven(s).
2. Forsingle oven or upper oven, touch and hold the 8TART pad
and thentouchthe BAKE pad.
3. "0" (zero)appears inthe temperaturedigits; releaseal! padsat
thesame time.
4. Touch BAKE and 0 changes in increments of 5 degrees each
time it istouched. The maximum adjustment is ±35°F.
5. Tocompletethe change,touch 8TART.
To change calibration of oven temperature for lower oven on
double ovens:
1. Touchthe ROASTpad.
2. Continue with Steps3 through 5,as described above.
The available temperature range for this oven is
10O°F to 550°R This applies to all conventional
cooking modes. Achange in the calibration does
not affect Dehydrate, Proof or Warm modes.
Beep Volume
Thevolumeofthebeepscanbeadjusted.Touchand holdthe8TART
padfollowed bythe PROBE padforthree seconds. TouchPROBE
padagain toincrease ordecrease volume,from levels1to 3.Touch
8TART to setvolume selection.
How to Obtain Service
For authorized service or parts information, phone (800) 735-4328.
We want you to remain a satisfied customer. If a problem occurs that cannot be resolved to your
satisfaction write to Thermador Customer Support Center,
5551 McFaddenAvenue, Huntington Beach CA, 92649 or call: 1-800-735-4328.
Please include the Model Number, Serial Number, Fabrication Date and Date of Original Purchase and