OvenOperations Built-inDNOvenCareandUseHanual
Warm Mode
The Warm mode will keep hot, cooked foods atserving tempera-
ture. Always start with hot food. DO NOT use this mode to heat
cold food other than for crisping crackers, chips and dry cereal.
Servingdishes, plates and cups may be kept warm with this mode.
Donot usetheWARM modeto cook food.
TheWARM mode oventemperatures rangefrom 140°FforLOW up
to210°F for HIGH.
. Foodshould be atserving temperature (above 140°F) before
being placed in theoven.
, Foodmay be kept hotin its cooking container or transferred to
a heat-safe serving dish.
. Aluminum foil may be used to coverfood.
, Use only heat-safe dishes.
, Use a portable meat thermometer to check internal
temperatures. Refer to Page46 for FoodSafety Guidelines.
. CAUTION: Plastic containers or plastic wrap can melt if in
direct contact with the oven walls or oven bottom.
. When keeping cooked food warm, allow time for the oven to
preheat before placing the item in the oven. The oven
temperatures are 140°F = Low, 170°F =Med, 210°F = High
To set Warm mode:
1. For double ovens, select upper or lower oven.
2. Select WARM.
The oventemperature isautomatically set at 170°F or MED.
Message scrolls in display:
3. Tochangethe temperaturefrom 170°F,usethe numberpadsto
4. Select8TART.
Thetemperature display alternatesbetween the s e t
temperatureand theactualtemperature, beginningwith 100°F.
The actual temperature counts up in 50increments.
Toend this mode,selectOVENOFF.
, Proofing isthe rising ofyeast dough.
. Placefood inoven before selecting this mode.
. The proofingtemperature ispreset at 100°F.
. Use any rack levelthat accommodates the size ofthe bowl or
Loosely cover the bowl or pan.
Keep theovendoor closed and usethe oven lightto check the
rising ofthe dough.
, Use either TIMER 1 or TIMER 2 as a reminder ifdesked.
Mode Operation
To set the Proof mode:
1. For double ovens, select upper or lower oven.
2. Select PROOF.
Message scrolls in display:
3. Select START.
Theovenis preheatedwhenthebeep signalsonce. PREHEAT
disappears from the display.
4. To end this mode, select OVEN OFF.
Mode Operation
, It isnot necessaryto preheatwhen usingthe dehydrate mode.
Use drying screens (not supplied with oven).
Multiple rackscan be usedsimultaneously.
Placefood in oven beforeselecting the mode.
, The dehydrating temperature is presetat 140°F.
, Somefoods require as much as 14to 15 hoursof time tofully
. This mode is suitable for a variety of fruits, vegetables, and
"To set the Dehydrate mode:
1. For double ovens, select upper or lower oven.
2. Select DEHYDRATE.
Message scrolls in display:
3. Select START.
Theoven ispreheatedwhenthe beepsignals once. PRENEAT
no longer appears in the display.
4. To end this mode, select OVEN OFF.