The Telex Model USR-100 Receiver and associated Transmitters is a
100 Channel, frequency-selectable full diversity system operating within
the frequency range of 668.0 to 746.0 MHz on specific pre-set frequen-
cies. Systems consisting of the USR-100 and its companion transmitter
are capable of operating on at least 5 frequencies in a TV channel
simultaneously, sometimes more depending on the individual venue.
Certain frequencies can be combined to form a set of systems compatible
for simultaneous use. Digital frequency control of the USR-100 permits
flexibility within a given area and assures confidence in the equipment
The USR-100 features a pair of unique UP-UP channel slewing push
buttons that makes channel changing easy. Simply press each button
until the desired digit appears. A 2 digit 7 Segment LED indicates
the Channel. If there is any interference from other wireless users or
a TV station in the area, it is a simple matter to change the USR-100
frequency. The frequency agility of the USR-100 is also very useful
for itinerant users and rental customers.
Prevents channel changes by unauthorized personnel or accident. The
lockout status is unaffected when the unit is turned off or unplugged.
The channel display will flash 4 times when the USR is turned on if
the lockout is enabled. The display will flash rapidly if someone tries
to change the channel when the lockout is enabled.
The USR-100 features not only a Tone Coded Squelch on a little used
tone frequency of 31.250 KHz but also uses RSSI Amplitude
Squelch. In the case where there is an RF carrier or noise interference
on the channel, the squelch will not open because there is no accom
panying tone. The USR-100 must receive the correct tone from the
transmitter and the RF carrier before the squelch will open.