The TELEX Model USR-100 receiver is authorized under Part 15 of
the Federal Communication Commission. Licensing of TELEX equip-
ment is the user’s responsibility and licensability depends upon the
user’s classification, and frequency selected. TELEX strongly urges the
user to contact the appropriate telecommunications authority before
ordering and choosing frequencies other than factory preset frequencies.
The Telex Model SH-100 and LT-100 transmitters are Type Accepted
under United States Federal Communications Commission Part 74.
Licensing of Telex equipment is the user’s responsibility and licensabil-
ity depends upon the user’s classification, user’s application, and fre-
quency selected. Telex strongly urges the user to contact the appropriate
telecommunications authority for any desired clarification.
CAUTION: Any changes or modifications made to the above equip-
ment could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.