Battery RecommendationsBattery Recommendations
Fresh 9-volt alkaline batteries from a quality manufacturer will yield
the best performance from your FMR-10 transmitters. Rechargeable
8.4-volt Ni-cad batteries can be used, but will yield much shorter op
erational time.
When the transmitter switch is turned on, the red battery light will
flash once if the battery is good. If the light does not flash or stays lit
continuously, the batteryis weak ordead. Ifthe light comeson during
use, the battery is weakening and should be replaced as soon as possi
If sound qualitydegrades during use,it may bethe resultof a weaken-
ing battery.
Receiver and Antenna Placement
Receiver and Antenna Placement
Do not place the receiver near a large metal object or surface.
Locate the receiver as close as possible to the area where the Trans-
mitter user will be working. Ideally, position the receiver so that the
transmitter is within site of the receiver.
When using multiplesystems, donot allowantennas tocross ortouch
each other.