3.1.2 Antenna Placement3.1.2 Antenna Placement
For any wireless system to perform correctly, strong RF signals are
mandatory. To maximize signal strength, good antenna placement
must be utilized. Although some situations prohibit perfect antenna
placement, here are some guidelines:
1. The antennas should be placed in a location with a clear signal
path to the transmitter. Walls, ceilings, metal objects, equipment
racks, etc.are all signal barriersthat will reduce rangeand perfor
mance. Generally speaking, placing thereceiver at an elevated lo
cation can help increase range and signal strength.
If the receiver is rack-mounted, external antennas are neces
sary. Do not rack mount the FMR-10 with the antennas
mounted directly on the back of the unit. This will severely
decrease the range and performance of the system.
If the FMR-10 is rack-mounted, make sure the antennas are
front-mounted (following the directions noted above). If anten
nas are mounted remotely from the chassis, the 1/4-wave anten
nas supplied with the receiver cannot be used. 1/2-wave antennas
are a necessity if the antennas are remote-mounted and can pro
vide better performance when used with the rack mount.
Figure 5
1/2-Wave antenna for Remote Mounting
Figure 6