Model 9110T NOx Analyzer Principles of Operation
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 334
Figure 13-11: Semi-Permeable Membrane Drying Process
The process by which the water vapor molecules are collected and transported through Nafion
is called per-evaporation and is driven by the humidity gradient between the inner and outer tubes as
well as the flow rates and pressure difference between inner and outer tubing. Unlike micro-porous
membrane permeation, which transfers water through a relatively slow diffusion process, per-
evaporation is a simple kinetic reaction. Therefore, the drying process occurs quickly, typically within
Because this chemical reaction is based on hydrogen bonds between the water molecule and the Nafion
material most other chemical components of the gas to be dried are usually unaffected. Specifically, the
gases of interest for the 9110T, NO and NO
, do not get absorbed and pass the dryer unaltered.
On the other hand, other small polar gases that are capable of hydrogen bonds such as ammonia (NH
can be absorbed this way, too. This is an advantage since gases such as NH
can cause interference for
the measurement of NO
, NO and NO
(see Table 13-1).
Figure 13-12: 9110T Perma Pure