Model 9110T NOx Analyzer Troubleshooting & Service
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 316
C Relay Retain Occludes
Mounting Screw on
P/N 045230200
Figure 12-11: Relay PCA Mounting Screw Locations
The following list was compiled from the TAI's Customer Service Department’s 10 most commonly
asked questions relating to the 9110T NOx Analyzer.
Why does the ENTR button
sometimes disappear on the front
panel display?
Sometimes the ENTR button will disappear if you select a setting that is
invalid or out of the allowable range for that parameter, such as trying to set
the 24-hour clock to 25:00:00 or a range to less than 1 or more than 20000
ppb. Once you adjust the setting to an allowable value, the ENTR button
will re-appear.
Why is the ZERO or SPAN button
not displayed during calibration?
The 9110T disables certain these buttons expected span or zero value
entered by the users is too different from the gas concentration actually
measured value at the time. This is to prevent the accidental recalibration
of the analyzer to an out-of-range response curve.
EXAMPLE: The span set point is 400 ppb but gas concentration being
measured is only 50 ppb.
How do I enter or change the
value of my Span Gas?
Press the CONC button found under the CAL or CALS buttons of the main
SAMPLE display menus to enter the expected NO
span concentration.
See Section or for more information.
Can I automate the calibration of
my analyzer?
Any analyzer with zero/span valve or IZS option can be automatically
calibrated using the instrument’s AutoCal feature.