Teledyne API Model 401 O
Photometric Calibrator Instruction Manual, 01124, Rev. J2
8.10 Ozone Generator Calibration
The ozone generator can be calibrated against the analyzer calibration by using the analytical
section of the M401 to determine the ozone generator's output. Calibration of the generator
allows the operator to enter the desired calibration concentration directly in PPB's.
The M401 should be calibrated by relating to the master standard using the method described in
Section 3 before doing this procedure.
Press SETUP-MISC-O3-GEN-CAL to start the calibration process, which works as follows:
1. The M401 will measure the O
generator reference signal and the O
concentration at 5
different O
2. For each test point, the machine outputs the drive setting and waits 10 minutes for the M401
to stabilize. Then it takes two readings and stores them in a table for future use.
3. During calibration, the analyzer displays % completion so that you monitor the progress of
the calibration. Full calibration will take 1 hour (6 points x 10 minutes/point).
4. You can abort calibration by pressing EXIT. This will not restore the table contents already
computed, however. If you EXIT within the first 10 minutes of the calibration, the table will
not be modified.
You can now use the O
generator. See Section 3 for details.
8.11 Dark Current Signal Adjust Procedure
The detector dark current changes little as the detector ages. Therefore this procedure should not
need to be performed except whenever a major sub-assembly is changed (such as a new UV
lamp or UV lamp power supply).
To calibrate the dark current signal, press SETUP-MISC-DARK-CAL and the analyzer will do
the following:
1. Turn the analyzer lamp off.
2. Average 6 successive O
detector readings, taken 1 second apart.
3. Turn the analyzer lamp back on.
This offset will then be stored and subtracted from all future O
detector readings.