A.0500.551 – IM-TGMAG/02.00 EN (02/2008) Tools
For maintenance and repairs use only technically appropriate tools that are in good condition.
Handle them correctly. For maintenance work on the magnetic drive use preferably tools made of
non-magnetic material. Magnetic tools might be suddenly attracted by the magnetic rotors which
can lead to damage of the components or personal injury. Shut-down
Before commencing the maintenance and inspection activities the pump must be taken out of
service. The pump/pump unit must be fully depressurized. If the pumped fluid permits, let the pump
cool down to the surrounding temperature. Motor safety
Take appropriate steps to prevent the motor from starting while you are still working on the pump.
This is particularly important for electric motors that are started from a distance.
Follow the below described procedure:
• Setthecircuitbreakeratthepumpto“off”.
• Turnthepumpoffatthecontrolbox.
• Securethecontrolboxorplaceawarningsignonthecontrolbox.
• Removethefusesandtakethemwithyoutotheplaceofwork.
• Donotremovetheprotectiveguardaroundthecouplinguntilthepumphascometoa
complete standstill. Conservation
If the pump is not to be used for longer periods:
• Firstdrainthepump.
• ThentreattheinternalpartswithVG46mineraloilorotherpreserveringliquid.
• Thepumpmustbeoperatedbrieyonceaweekoralternativelytheshaftmustbeturnedafull
turn once a week. This ensures proper circulation of the protective oil. External cleaning
• Keepthesurfaceofthepumpascleanaspossible.Thissimpliesinspectionandtheattached
markings remain visible.
• Makesurecleaningproductsdonotentertheballbearingspace.Coverallpartsthatmustnot
come into contact with fluids. In case of sealed bearings, cleaning products must not attack
rubber gaskets. Never spray the hot parts of a pump with water, as certain components may
crack due to the sudden cooling and the fluid being pumped may spray into the environment. Electrical installation
• Maintenanceoperationsontheelectricinstallationmaybeperformedonlybytrainedandquali-
fied personnel and after disconnecting the electric power supply. Carefully follow the national
safety regulations.
Respect the above-mentioned regulations if performing work while the power supply is still
• Checkifelectricaldevicestobecleanedhaveasufcientdegreeofprotection(e.g.IP54means
protection against dust and splashing water but not against water jets). See EN 60529. Choose
an appropriate method for cleaning the electrical devices.
• Replacedefectivefusesonlywithoriginalfusesoftheprescribedcapacity.
• Aftereachmaintenancesessioncheckthecomponentsoftheelectricalinstallationforvisible
damage and repair them if necessary. Draining of fluid
• Closeoffthepressureandsuctionlinesascloseaspossibletothepump.
• Iftheuidbeingpumpeddoesnotsolidify,letthepumpcooldowntotheambienttemperature
before drainage.