A.0500.551 – IM-TGMAG/02.00 EN (02/2008)
Radial clearance on rotor, idler outside diameter – Axial clearance on pump cover
Pump size CO (µm)
axial clear.
set minimum
C1 (µm)
C1 (µm)
C2 (µm)
C3 (µm)
Code Rotor 1xxx 2xxx 3xxx
Code Idler x1xx x2xx x3xx
Code pump
cover assembly
xxx0 xxx1 xxx2 xxx3
TG MAG 15-50 52 280 160 350 480
TG MAG 23-65 56 290 170 375 510
TG MAG 58-80 66 325 200 440 600
TG MAG 86-100 72 340 220 480 660
TG MAG 185-125 85 380 255 560 765
Please note:
On TG MAG pumps the radial rotor clearance C1 is slightly larger than on other TopGear pump
families, while clearance class C2 and C3 are identical with the standard range.
Diametral clearance on pin / idler bearing
Pump size
C1 (µm)
C2 (µm)
= 2 x C1
C3 (µm)
= 3 x C1
Code for adapted 6 material pin (2 or 3) *) xx1x xx2x xx3x
Code for adapted bronze idler bush (Y or Z ) **) xx1x xxYx xxZx
TG MAG 15-50 150 300 450
TG MAG 23-65 160 320 480
TG MAG 58-80 240 480 720
TG MAG 86-100 275 550 825
TG MAG 185-125 325 650 975
The extra clearances are realised as follows:
Rotor and Idler: By extra machining of outside diameter (code 2, 3);
or standard = 1
Pump cover: By adjusting during assembly (code 0, 2 , 3);
or standard = 1
Idler pin / bush bearing; 2 cases are possible: (standard = 1)
*) case 1: by providing a special pin (6 material) with
adapted pin diameter (code 2 or 3)
**) case 2: by providing a special bronze bush with adapted
inside bush diameter (code Y or Z).
3.14 Play between gear teeth
TG MAG 15-50 23-65 58-80 86-100 185-125
Minimum (µm) 360 400 400 400 440
Maximum (µm) 720 800 800 800 880
3.15 Maximum size of solid particles
TG MAG 15-50 23-65 58-80 86-100 185-125
Size (µm) 80 120 150
If there are metal particles in the liquid, customer must install a magnetic filter before the liquid
reaches the pump.
If there are hard particles in the liquid, consult your distributor.
Play between gear teeth