Cell Partition Options
Every Sigma tower includes plenum chamber partitions
and hot water distribution basin partitions between
adjacent cells. Plenum partitions ensure consistent thermal
performance as you shut off one fan at a time. They keep air
from entering an operating cell through an adjacent idle fan,
maintaining efficient thermal performance. Basin partitions
let you inspect and clean individual basins while the rest of
the tower continues to operate.
Specify extra partitions carefully because excess
partitions can sometimes discourage routine maintenance
and good housekeeping procedures. Two options are
available to meet specific design goals:
• Fillareapartitionsareavailable,butusuallynot
necessary. The solid sheet design of film fill prevents
water and air migration between the fill areas of
adjacent cells, regardless of operating mode.
• Completewatertightpartitionsprovidetotalcell
isolation. These partitions let you use adjacent cells
to serve separate loads with incompatible system
temperatures. Watertight partitions extend from louver-
face to louver-face and cover the full internal height of
the tower, including the cold water basin. Partitions
usually consist of exterior grade, pressure-treated fir
plywood, sealed to cold water basin partitions made
from the same material as the basin sides. For concrete
basin partitions, design drawings are available that
specify the appropriate Marley dimensions.
Optional weir gates in wood basin partitions let you
mix or segregate the water in the basin to meet
your operating needs. Marley weir gates come with
removable cover plates.
/ Available Options /
Oil-Level Sight Glass
Wood Stairway with Access Platform