/ Sigma Advantage /
• GuaranteedPerformance. Don’t rely on outside
agencies with limited enforcement powers. We’ll stand
by our responsibility for reliable thermal performance.
We designed it. We rate it. We guarantee it!
• Exclusive5-YearMechanicalWarranty. Your no-
cost assurance of trouble-free mechanical operation
for 5 years. Isn’t that where a lot of your tower
maintenance dollars have gone in the past?
• LongServiceLife. We’ve carefully chosen all the
materials used in Sigma towers for their corrosion
resistance and suitability for cooling tower service.
Pressure-treated lumber, heavy-galvanized steel,
stainless steel, PVC and fiberglass keep your Sigma
tower working year after year.
• EfcientFieldAssembly. Precise factory fabrication
assures that every component in your Sigma tower will
fit as designed. And SPX Cooling Technologies offers
an unparalleled nationwide construction organization to
build your tower quickly and economically.
• LowOperatingCosts. Marley’s high-efficiency fill
and fans, gravity-flow water distribution, and efficient
drive work together to offer maximum
cooling with minimum power use.
• LowMaintenanceCosts. Induced-draft propeller
fans on Marley right-angle Geareducer units; TEFC,
1.15 service factor motors; and heavy-duty mechanical
equipment supports assure long service life with
minimal maintenance.
• All-SeasonReliability. Sigma towers perform as
specified in the heat of summer. They respond well to
energy management techniques in the spring and fall.
They operate virtually ice-free in the dead of winter.
And they offer simple maintenance all year long. We
guarantee it!
• SingleSourcePartsAvailability. SPX designs,
manufactures, guarantees, and stocks all major
components of the Sigma cooling tower except
motors. We’ll have the parts if you ever need them.
Series 1000 Cross-Section