
0019_HC_1819ACCYBENEFITS_4c 23.08.2004 18:02 Uhr Seite 19** platte_03:sony:90_opa5_Style9:TEMP:
Important Accessories
Batteries and chargers
Nothing’s worse than running
out of power just when you’re
about to film something great,
but with Sony spare batteries
your Handycam is always
ready. You can recharge our
InfoLITHIUM models as often
as you like!
Tripods do much more than
just steady your shots (even
professionals can’t hold a
camcorder level forever). They
also give you the chance to film
everybody together, ‘camera-
man’ included.
Printing out your favourite still
shots at home is easy and
quick with a dedicated Sony
printer. Thanks to dye-
sublimation printing technology,
you can print in professional
quality – without a PC!
Turn challenging conditions to
your advantage with Sony’s
extensive range of high-quality
lenses and filters. With the
freedom to film from any angle,
you can get creative for
excellent shots (see left page).
Sports housings
With these rugged Handycam
accessories, you can make
movies wherever you go,
whatever the weather – and
your camcorder will stay safe
and dry. Sports housings even
let you film up to two metres
Keep your subjects perfectly lit
indoors and at night with a
dedicated video light or extra
flash. Our user-friendly
Intelligent Accessory Shoe
feature means the Handycam
automatically switches the light
on for you.
Keep all your camcorder gear
safe and sound with a sturdy
Handycam carrying case. Sony
offers a variety of stylish
designs and sizes.
Pick up precisely the sound-
track you want with a specialist
Sony microphone. These light-
weight accessories enhance
voices and natural sounds to
give your movie atmosphere
that’s genuinely unique.
For the full range of Handycam accessories,
please turn the page.
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HC_1819ACCYBENEFITS_BAL 24.08.2004 14:22 Uhr Seite 19