
Normal Playout
Normally, after sending the prepared playlists and materials to the network players,
there are no further operations you have to carry out with this software.
In the Case of the Presentation Application
The playout is controlled by the remote controller of each network player.
Refer to the operation manual of the network player for details.
In the Case of the Scheduling Application
Each network player automatically starts playout according to the period and time
specified in the playlist.
The network player does not support a summer time management function. Be
careful to specify the start time if your country uses a summer time system.
In the case of NTSC video, the system regards one second as 30 frames of video
signal although it is approximately 29.97 frames (non-drop frame mode). Hence the
actual length is longer than the duration indicated for such a piece of video material.
This error is approximately two frames for one minute and 108 frames (3.3 seconds)
for one hour. The system adjusts this error to indicate the start times of the events
on the playlist, but there still is a small amount of error (less than one second)
between the indication and the actual start time.
The playlist that was sent later has the higher priority.
For example, if the playlist (P0000001) whose playout time is 7/1/2002 10:00:00 -
20:00:00 was sent before the playlist (P0000002) whose playout time is 7/1/2002
12:00:00 - 13:00:00, the system would stop playout of P0000001 around 11:59:50,
play P0000002 between 12:00:00 and 13:00:00, prepare to resume playout of
P0000001, then resume the rest of P0000001.
If P0000002 is sent before P0000001, however, P0000002 would not be played out.
When a Power-on Start Playlist or a Play Button Start Playlist is Specified
Each network player may have the following two special playlists:
Power-on start playlist
Automatically starts playout when the network player is powered on.
Play button start playlist
Starts when the play button of the remote controller is pressed during standby.
See "Specifying the Special Playlists of the Network Players" for details.
You can also choose the special playlists on each network player. Refer to the
operating instructions of the NSP-100 Network Player for details.