
In the case of the Scheduling Application, be sure that any playlist module has a check
mark in the Playlist Module check box, so that it has no start and end date data.
Otherwise, the network player will receive two playlists for playout at the same time on
the same day, and this will cause a problem upon playout.
1 Click [Material Management] on the main menu to display the Material Management
window, then select the Playlist tab.
2 Right-click the playlist module (shown in blue or purple) to be inserted, and click [Copy] on
the menu.
All events of that playlist module are copied.
3 In the Edit Playlist window, right-click the line that comes immediately after the inserted
playlist module, then click [Paste Playlist Module] on the menu.
The copied playlist module is inserted. It appears as a light-gray comment line with a
closed arrow mark (
). The title of the inserted module is displayed on the comment line,
but you can modify it by double-clicking the comment, as necessary.
Double-clicking the closed arrow mark expands the module, and its events appear enclosed
by two light-gray comment lines whose Start Time columns have arrow marks (
and ).
The expanded playlist module will be collapsed by double-clicking the arrow mark on its
upper comment line.
Playlist modules cannot be nested. If you insert module "B" that already includes
module "A" to the current playlist, all B's events including A's are inserted, but the
comment lines corresponding to module "A" are ignored.
A playlist accommodates more than one playlist module, provided they are not nested.
Deleting All the Events of the Inserted Playlist Module
Right-click either of the comment lines, then click [Delete] on the menu.
Editing Events of an Inserted Playlist Module
You can freely edit or delete the events of an inserted playlist module. Also, it is
possible to add a new event among those events (between the comment lines for the
inserted playlist module).
Because the events of the inserted playlist module are no longer the same as that of the
original one, the comment lines for the inserted playlist module will be deleted after
editing is completed.
The comment lines for the inserted playlist module indicate that the in-between events
belong to a playlist module. However, those events will not be automatically changed
if the original playlist module is modified after insertion.
Undoing the last Operation
Hold the Ctrl key down and press the Z key to cancel the last operation.