The Manage group screen shows a list of the groups defined for this system on
the left, and the currently active group on the right side.
Pressing the “+” sign (1) in the top left of the right column will create a new
group. A group name needs to be entered to create the group. Each Executive
Elite Base DSP unit and therefore every Base DSP cluster can have up to 10
mute groups within that cluster. Delet mute groups that are no longer
required in your installation.
To manage and change a group, the group needs to be the active group on the
right side of your screen. The group name of the active group is shown in the
Group field (2). To select a different group as the active group either select it
from the drop-down in the Group field in the right column, or click on the
“Edit” button (3) of that group in the left column. The group will now be
opened on the right side of the screen.
To delete the active group click on the trash can symbol (4). The only group
which cannot be deleted or renamed is the “Default” group.
To change the name of the active group click on the pen symbol (5) and enter
the new name.