synchronization bus is required. However, it does not allow synchronization in
a mixed environment with both Executive HD and Executive Elite systems as
Executive HD Systems do not support AVB.
The Setup for ABV sync is through an AVB capable switch. Once the Executive
Elite synchronization mode is set in the Web UI or Front Panel to AVB, select
Auto as the Clock Mode. Through the AVB networking software set up a
network of elite systems, where at least one system is a “Talker” and the other
systems are “Listeners” to that system. The architecture also allows for
communication chains, where one Elite is set up as a Listener to a system in
the chain, and as Talker to systems further down in the chain.
OTA Synchronization
Executive Elite systems have the ability to synchronize with other Executive
Elite systems in radio frequency range using over the air (OTA)
synchronization. This synchronization method does not require any wiring
between Executive Elite Base DSP units. In OTA mode, systems exchange
synchronization information using radio signals, therefore allowing systems in
vicinity to auto synchronize. To enable OTA synchronization, select OTA as the
Clock Source.
OTA Synchronization will be available starting with Executive Elite Software version 1.2