115391527 Rev. 4 5/15/12
S Neve r use a machi ne that has a faulty
muffler .
S Regularly check that the muffler is securely
attached to the machine .
S The muffler on this unit is equipped witha
special spark arrestor mesh. The mesh
should be checked and, if necessary.
cleaned by a servicing dealer. A block ed
mesh will caus ethe machine to overheat,
whichcan lead to serious damage. Never
use amufflerwitha defective spark arres-
tor mesh. See the Maintenancesection.
Cutting equipment
This section descr ibes how to choo se and
maintain your cutt ing equipment in order to:
S Ob tain maximum cu tting perfor mance.
S Extend the life of cutti ng equip ment.
General rules
1. Only use cut ting attachment s wit h the
guards we reco mmend! See the section
on “Technica l Data”.
2. Che ck the cut ting attachmen t for damage
or cracks. A damaged cutt ing attachment
should always be replaced.
W ARNING: Never use a machin e
with faulty sa fety equipment. The
machine’s safety equi pment must be
checked and main tained as
describ ed in this sectio n. If your
machine fai ls any of these checks
contact your serv icing dealer to get
it repaired. Use of a mac hine with
faulty safety equipme nt increases
the risk of serious personal injury tp
the operator or others.
This section describes how to cho ose and
maintain your cutt ing equipment in order to:
Obtain maxi mum cutting performance .
Exte nd the life of cutt ing equipment.
Only use cutting attachmen ts with the guards
we recommend! See the section on
“Technical data”.
Refer to the instr uctions for the cutting attach-
ment to check the correct wa y to load the
trimmer line and the correct line diameter .
Trimmer he a d
S Only use the recommended cutting at-
tachments . See the section on “Technical
S Sm aller machines general ly require small
trimmer heads and vice ver sa. This is be-
cause when cl earing usi ng trimmer line the
engine must throw out the trimmer line ra-
dially from the trimmer head and over come
the resistance of the grass being cleare d.
S Thelengthof the trimmer line is also im-
portant. A longer trimmer line requires
greater engine power than a shorter
trimmer line of the same diameter.
S Make sure that the cutter on the trimmer
guard is intact . This is usedtocut the
trimmer line to the correct length.
S To increa se the life of the trimmer line it
can be soak ed in water for a couple of
days. This willmake the line tougher so
that it lasts longer.
Always ensure the trimm er line is wound
tightly and evenl y around the drum, otherwise
the machine will generate harmful vibrat ion.
W ARNING: Alwaysstop the en-
gine before doing any work on the
cutting attachment. This continues
to ro tate even after the throttle has
been released. Ensurethat the
cutting attachment has stopped
completely and disconnect the
lead from the spark plug before
you start to work on it.