115391527 Rev. 4 5/15/12
Make sure the t hrottle control is locked at
the idle setting when the throttle lock--out is
Press the throttle lock--out and make sure it
returns to its original position when you re-
lease it.
Check that the throttle control and throttle
lock--out move freely and that the return
springs work properly.
See instructions under the heading Start.
Start the machine and apply full throttle.
Release t he throttle and check that the
cutting attachment stops and remains at a
standst ill. If the cutting attachment rotates
with the throttle in the idle position then the
carburettor idle setting must be checked.
See instructions under the heading
op sw
Make sure the engine stops when you push
and hold the stop switc h.
Cutting attachment guard
This guard is intended to prevent loose ob-
jects from being thrown towards the opera-
tor. The guard also protects the operator
from accidental contact with the cutt ing at-
Check that the guard is undamaged and not
crac ked. Replac e the guard if it has been
exposed to impact or is cracked.
Always use the recommended guard for the
cutting attachment you are using. See the
“Technical data” section.
WARNING: Never use a cutt ing
attachmen t with out an appro ved
guard. See the secti on on “Technical
data”. If an incor rect or faulty guard
is fitted this can cause serious
personal injury .
Use of incorrectly wound trimmer line or an
incorrect cut ting attachment increases the
level of vibration.
W ARNING: Overexpo sure to
vibrat ion can lead to circulat ory
damage or nerve dama ge in people
who have impaired circulatio n.
Conta ct your docto r if you experi-
ence symptoms of overexp osure to
vibrat ion. Such sympt oms include
numbness , loss of feeling, tingling,
pricki ng, pain, loss of streng th,
changes in skin color or condition.
These symptoms normally appea r
in the fingers, hands or wr ists . The
risk incr eases at low temperat ures.