
C-2 Raynger 3i Series Operator’s Manual
MIN Mode: If the object’s temperature is over range, the panel’s main display and
RS-232 output are sent the -O- failsafe code. The mode display and RS-
232 ouput are sent either the correct MIN temperature or the -O- failsafe
code. The analog output is sent the maximum temperature for your
If the object’s temperature is under range, the panel’s main and mode
displays and RS-232 output are sent the -U- failsafe code. The analog
output is sent the minimum temperture for your model.
DIF Mode: If the object’s temperature is over range, the panel’s main and mode dis-
plays and RS-232 output are sent the -O- failsafe code. The analog out-
put is sent the maximum temperture for your model.
If the object’s temperature is under range, the panel’s main and mode
displays and RS-232 output are sent the -U- failsafe code. The analog
output is sent the minumum temperture for your model.
AVG Mode: If the object’s temperature is over range, the panel’s main and mode dis-
plays and RS-232 output are sent the -O- failsafe code. The analog out-
put is sent the maximum temperture for your model.
If the object’s temperature is under range, the panel’s main and mode
displays and RS-232 output are sent the -U- failsafe code. The analog
output is sent the minumum temperture for your model.
All Modes: If the internal temperature is less than 0°C or greater than 50°C, the pan-
el’s main and mode displays and the RS232 output are sent the -U- or -
O- failsafe code respectively. The analog output is sent the minimum or
maximum temperature for your model.
Note: On laser models, if the internal temperature is less than 0°C (32°F) or greater than
45°C (113°F), the laser will automatically turn off. The laser will also automatically
turn off if the battery is too low (when the low battery icon displays).