
34 ST8001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide
AST Advanced Steering Technology (AST) is Raymarine’s unique advanced steering
algorithm. It uses inputs from a wide variety of sensors to tune the autopilot’s oper-
ation to provide superior control of the boat in any condition.
AutoLearn Self-learning calibration feature available on S1G, S2G and S3G autopilot systems.
AutoTrim The AutoTrim setting determines the rate at which the autopilot applies ‘standing
helm’ to correct for trim changes caused by varying wind loads on the sails or super-
AWG American Wire Gauge
CE Marked on Raymarine products that comply with defined European Community
counter rudder Counter rudder is the amount of rudder the autopilot applies to try to prevent the
boat from yawing off course. Higher counter rudder settings result in more rudder
being applied.
CR pump Constant Running hydraulic pump
DC Direct current
When powered up, all electrical equipment produces electromagnetic fields. These
can cause adjacent pieces of electrical equipment to interact with one another, and
this can degrade their performance. By following the EMC guidelines in this hand-
book, you can minimize these effects by ensuring optimum Electromagnetic Com-
patibility (EMC) between equipment.
Fluxgate Standard Raymarine compass supplied with course computer core pack
GPS Global Positioning System
GyroPlus Raymarine’s GyroPlus yaw sensor that measures the boat’s rate of turn. It is built
into the S1G, S2G and S3G course computers.
I/O drive Inboard/Outboard or stern drive
MOB Man overboard
nm Nautical mile
NMEA The NMEA (National Maritime Electronics Association) protocol is an internation-
ally accepted serial communication interface standard for sharing data between
electronic equipment. Raymarine products can share information with non-
SeaTalk equipment using the NMEA 0183 protocol.