Chapter 1: SmartPilot Operation 7
Can I use the SmartPilot to power-steer my boat?
The SmartPilot has an inbuilt Power Steer feature. This gives you direct
control of the rudder via the rotary control, in place of the helm. This offers
huge benefits over conventional steering. You can set the rudder at a
particular angle and the autopilot drive system will keep the rudder at that
angle until commanded otherwise.
How do I activate power steering?
To activate Power Steer mode:
1. Press standby and auto together.
2. The display will show PWR STEER, indicating power steer mode is active.
3. Use the rotary control to steer the boat. The rudder position is dis-
played in the bar at the bottom of the display.
How do I leave Power Steer mode?
To leave Power Steer mode either:
•press standby to return to manual steering via the helm.
•press auto to proceed on the current heading under autopilot control.