36 ST60 Tridata Instrument Owner’s Manual
Note: It is recommended that the speed calibration procedure is carried
out in conditions of minimum tidal drift.
To carry out a speed calibration, start the Intermediate calibration
procedureand usethe
speedkey to proceed to the Calibration runlength
screen (see sheet 1 of the Speed calibration flowchart). Proceed with the
speed calibration as follows:
1. With the Calibration Run Lengthscreen displayed, pressthe
trip and
reset keys together to enter adjust mode. In this mode, the displayed
run length flashes on and off.
2. Setthelengthof theintendedcalibrationrun,usingeitherthe
to decrement or the
reset keyto increment the run length value. You
can set any value between 0.25 and 2.50.
3. Press tripandreset keys together to commencethe speedcalibration.
alternates between Strt 1 andthe calibrationfactor(CF) currently
4. Startfirst outward leg of the calibration run and as you pass the start
point, press the
speed key, so that the text out showsat the bottomof
the screen. As the calibration run proceeds, the displayed value will
5. At the end of the measured distance on the outward leg, press the
speed key again so that:
• The text rEtrn is flashing at the bottom of the screen.
• Thedisplayeddistancefreezes.Notethatthisvaluewillnotbethe
same as the measured distance due to errors introduced by tidal
6. Turn the vessel round, start the return leg and as you do so, press the
speed key so the rEtrn legend stops flashing and the displayed value
7. Atthe end ofthe return leg, pressthe
speedkey to end the calibration
run. At this point:
• The text Strt 2 alternating with the new calibration factor is dis-
played at the bottom of the screen.
• Thedisplayeddistancefreezes.Thisvalueshouldbeverycloseto
the actual (measured) distance of the calibration run.
8. Press the
depthand speed keystogether,to store the new calibration
81040_1.book Page 36 Thursday, November 7, 2002 10:21 AM