
Calibration 33
Adjust to SOG
TheAdjusttoSOGscreen isdisplayedonlyifSOGdataisavailablefrom
SeaTalk. The current SOG is displayed in the bottom section of the
instrument, as largefigures in the middle section of the display (12.3 in
the illustration).
It is recommended that, if you are runningin slack tide conditions,you
press the
reset key for3 seconds,to accept theSOG as the current speed.
If you do not wish to accept SOG as the current speed, press the
trip and
reset keystogether to select the Cal factor adjust display.
Cal factor adjust
The Cal factor adjust screen enables you to manually adjust the
calibration factor. It shows the current calibration factor in the bottom
sectionofthe display(CF 1.00 intheillustration),and thecurrent speedas
largefigures (12.3 in the illustration).
triporreset keytoadjustthecalibrationfactorso thatthecurrent
speed is the speed through the water.
If SOGdatais available from SeaTalk,you can turntothe Adjust toSOG
screen by pressing the
trip andreset keys.
Note:If neither of the above methods gives satisfactory results, carry out
the Speed calibration procedure (part of Intermediate calibration).
Set temperature units
Select either °C or °F, as required.
Temperature calibration
Set the display to show the current water temperature.
Timer alarm buzzer
Switches the count-up and race-start timer audible alarm on the ST60
Tridata instrument being calibrated, on and off.
Leaving User calibration
Holddownthedepth andspeedkeysfor2seconds,tosaveyoursettings,
exit User calibration and resume normal operation.
81040_1.book Page 33 Thursday, November 7, 2002 10:21 AM