Chapter 3: Advanced Operation 25
3 Advanced Operation
Note: When you reach the last waypoint in the track, the NO DATA
alarm will sound to indicate that there is no further waypoint
information. Press
auto to continue on the same heading, or
standby to return to hand steering.
Skipping a waypoint – SeaTalk navigators only
If you want to advance to the next waypoint before you have arrived
at the target waypoint, you can skip a waypoint by pressing
track for
1 second. The display will then show the Waypoint Advance screen
for the next waypoint.
Dodges in Track mode
When the autopilot is in Track mode you still have full control from
the keypad.
Initiating a dodge maneuver
In Track mode, you can make a dodge maneuver by using the course
change keys (
-1, +1, -10 or +10) to select the desired course change.
Cancelling a dodge maneuver
After you have avoided the hazard, you can cancel the dodge course
change by making an equal course change in the opposite direction.
Note: Provided the boat remains within 0.1 nm of track, you do not
need to steer back towards the track.
Safety in Track mode
Track mode provides accurate track keeping even in complex
navigational situations. However, it is still the skipper’s
responsibility to ensure the safety of their boat at all times
through careful navigation and frequent position checks.
Sailing in Track mode assists precise navigation and removes the
tasks of compensating for wind and tidal drift. However, you MUST
still maintain an accurate log with regular plots.