Chapter 6: Setting-up the ST4000+ 85
6 Setting-up the ST4000+
Chapter 6: Setting-up the ST4000+
When you have installed the system, you need to check that the
system is wired correctly and set up to suit your type of boat.
The sections in this chapter provide instructions for the following
post-installation procedures:
Note: You can perform further customization after the sea trial, as
described in Chapter 7: Customizing the ST4000+.
Functional test
This consists of a few basic tests to confirm that you
have connected the system correctly.
page 86
Check rudder sensor operation (if fitted)
This is necessary if you have fitted an optional rudder
position sensor (wheel drives only).
page 90
Initial sea trial
The purpose of the initial sea trial is to swing the
compass (and align the heading), and check autopilot
operation and rudder gain.
page 91
Autopilot calibration techniques
This explains how to optimize the autopilot set-up for
your boat.
page 98