Preface v
About this Handbook
Welcome to the handbook for the Raystar 112LP GPS receiver and
Raystar 120 SD-GPS receiver. This handbook provides installation
details for the following products:
• Raystar 120 SD-GPS receiver with SeaTalk output (Part no: E32025)
• Raystar 120 SD-GPS receiver with NMEA output (Part no: E32026)
• Raystar 112LP GPS receiver with SeaTalk output (Part no: E32001)
• Raystar 112LP GPS receiver with NMEA output (Part no: E32002)
These products are designed to receive GPS (Global Positioning System)
signals and convert this information to either SeaTalk or NMEA:
• the Raystar 112LP receives standard GPS signals, providing a typical
position accuracy of 15 m (without Selective Availability)
• the Raystar 120 uses Satellite Differential GPS (SD-GPS) signals to
provide enhanced typical accuracy of less than 3 m
Note: See Chapter 1: About SD-GPS (RS120 only) for more information
about satellite differential GPS.
This handbook contains four chapters:
At the end of this handbook we have included product specifications and
compatibility information, a mounting template & warranty information.
Note: This handbook contains important information about installing,
using and maintaining your new Raymarine product. To get the best from
the product, please read this handbook thoroughly.
Chapter Contents Page
Chapter 1: About SD-GPS
(RS120 only)
Explains how Satellite Differential GPS enables
the Raystar 120 to provide enhanced accuracy.
Chapter 2: Installation Explains how to mount the Raystar 112LP and
Raystar 120 receivers.
Chapter 3: NMEA/SeaTalk
Explains how to connect the Raystar output cable
to your GPS display unit or chartplotter.
Chapter 4: Product
Support & Servicing
Provides product support information for the
Raystar 112LP and Raystar 120.