18 Raystar 120 & Raystar 112LP GPS Receivers - Owner’s Handbook
Raystar 120/112LP compatibility
The Raystar 120 and 112LP receivers are available in two versions:
SeaTalk or NMEA. Each version is easily identified with
SEATALK printed on the top of the receiver case.
• NMEA versions of the Raystar 120 (Part no: E32026) and 112LP
(Part no: E32002) receivers can be used to replace the Raystar 100,
900, 105, 108, 112, Apelco 1100, 180,182 and 182XT GPS antennas
• Seatalk versions of the Raystar 120 (Part no: E32025) and 112LP
(Part no: E32001) can be used to replace the Autohelm Black Box
Z146, Autohelm Z197 and Z260 GPS antennas
The following table identifies the recommended Raystar 120 or 112LP
receiver version for compatible Raymarine, Autohelm and Apelco units.
Note: On some earlier units (e.g. Raychart 630) designed before WAAS
and similar systems were available, a satellite differential fix (SD-FIX)
will be reported as D-FIX. In such cases a satellite differential fix will still
be acquired and the enhanced navigational accuracy of the satellite
differential system will still be utilized.
Raystar 120 NMEA (E32026)
Raystar 112LP NMEA (E32002)
Raystar 120 SeaTalk (E32025)
Raystar 112LP SeaTalk (E32001)
NAV298, 398 Autohelm ST50 GPS*
Raynav 575 Autohelm ST50 Navdata*
Raystar 390, 790 Autohelm ST80 GPS (Masterview/
Fishfinder V850, 8010 Autohelm Navcenter 300*, 500*, 700*
Raychart 600*, 610*, 611*, 620*, 630* Fishfinder L755*, L760*
Raychart 420 Raychart 520*, 530*, 631*
Autohelm Navcenter 600* Pathfinder (LCD) RL70*, RL70RC*,
RL70C*, RL70CRC*, RL80*, RL80RC*
Apelco 530, 560 Pathfinder (CRT) R70*, R70RC*, R80*,
Apelco 6400, 6700, 6760, 6800, 7000
Apelco GXL 1100
*Model is both Seatalk and NMEA compatible, however the recommended RS120 or
RS112LP version should be used for complete functionality and to simplify installation.