Operation with a Fist Microphone
[TX] Flashing
Returns to last used channel
"ACK" signal received
from the specified ship
Standby for "ACK"
from specified ship
2 seconds after receiving ACK,
switches to selected channel
Select desired working channel
Using an MMSI number selected from the phonebook:
Using the RAY215 with a fist microphone, you can select from up to ten
other ship's MMSI numbers that have been stored in the phonebook. The
numbers are identified by a single letter that you have assigned to it. You
must note what letter you assigned to the MMSI number because only
that letter appears on the LCD when you are retrieving it.
Note: The operation is cancelled if the 16/9 key is pressed or if no keys
are pressed for 60 seconds during any part of this process.
1. Press and release the DSC/PRI and D/L / I.C. keys simultaneously to
place the unit in DSC mode. "70" appears in the large channel display,
the DSC indicator illuminates, and "in" appears in the small channel
display to designate Individual Call.
2. Press and release the SCAN/MEM key. A letter appears in the small
channel display, which is associated with one of the other ship's MMSI
numbers in the phonebook.
3. If you wish to use the use the other ship's MMSI number associated
with this letter, press DSC/PRI.
4. To use a different letter, rotate the Channel Selection Knob until the
desired letter is displayed. Press DSC/PRI to select this letter.
5. After you have selected the other ship's MMSI number, the radio
prompts you for the working channel to communicate on. The large
character display shows the last used channel number and a "W"
appears in the small channel display.
6. Using the Channel Select (CH) knob on the front panel, select the
desired channel, and press the DSC/PRI key once. The TX indicator
on the LCD flashes, indicating the RAY215 is ready to transmit.