Appendix: Glossary 95
Leg One portion of a route, consisting of starting and destination
Longitude Position east or west of the prime meridian, measured in degrees.
Man Manual
MPH Miles per hour
National Marine
Electronics Association
A US standards committee that defines electrical and data
specifications for communications between marine electronics.
NMEA standards provide protocols by which marine instruments
and also most GPS receivers can communicate with each other.
nm Nautical Mile
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
North Up Orientation Displays the chart orientation with true north upwards. As your
heading changes the boat symbol moves accordingly. This is the
default mode for the chart application.
Paddlewheel Speed See ‘Boat Speed’
Range Distance to the specified waypoint.
Route A sequential series of waypoints entered into the chartplotter that
direct the boat to the desired destination.
RTE Route
sm Statute Miles
SOG Speed Over Ground
Speed Over Ground
The actual speed the boat is moving, as measured by the GPS. This
measurement differs from paddlewheel speed, which does not take
into account current, wind or other sea conditions.
Time To Go (TTG) Estimated time that will elapse before reaching waypoint, at the
current course and speed.
Time Variable Gain
A DSM gain setting that reduces clutter by varying the gain
throughout the water column This function is useful for reducing the
appearance of ‘noise’.
TTG Time To Go
TVG Time Variable Gain