Appendix: Glossary
Term Meaning
°C Degrees Centigrade
°F Degrees Farenheit
Active Leg In a route, the segment you are currently traveling.
amp Amperes
Auto Automatic
Bearing The compass direction from your position to a waypoint, measured
to the nearest degree. The bearing is expressed either as a true
bearing as shown on the chart or as a bearing relative to the heading
of the boat.
Bearing from Vessel to
Destination (BVD)
When following a waypoint, this is a blue dashed line that is drawn
between your current position and the waypoint as the boat’s actual
course varies from the original. Unlike the BOD, BVD line is updated
as the boat approaches the waypoint.
Bearing from Origin to
Destination (BOD)
When following a waypoint, this is a dashed line that is drawn
between the vessel’s original position and the waypoint. Unlike the
BVD, the BOD line remains unchanged as the boat moves.
Boat Speed Also known as paddlewheel speed, this represents the speed of your
boat through the water as measured by a paddlewheel impeller,
such as the one in a fishfinder transducer. This measurement differs
from Speed over Ground (SOG), as it does not take into account
current, wind or other sea conditions that may impede forward
BOD Bearing from Origin to Destination
BVD Bearing from Vessel to Destination
CDI Course Deviation Indicator
CMG Course Made Good
COG Course Over Ground