
Appendix H: More Resources or Information
Symptom Probable cause
Repeated “Keyboard
ERROR” at computer
Loose cable from the server to the CIM.
Loose Cat5e UTP cable.
Paragon II components may be out of order. Verify that the server
recognizes a keyboard that is directly connected. Contact Raritan
Technical support for assistance. See the last page for global
contact information.
Keyboard suddenly
locks-up when a
particular computer is
selected, but operates
normally when other
computers are selected.
Loose keyboard cable connection.
Voltage spike (increase) or brown out (decrease) in power supply
to connected Paragon II switch. Turn off the Switch, wait for 20
seconds, and then turn on the unit. Powering Switch from a UPS
avoids variation in power supply to Switch.
Repeated “MOUSE
FAILURE” at computer
Loose mouse cable from the server to the CIM
Loose Cat5 UTP cable. If an error occurs only with new servers
being added to the system, contact Raritan Technical Support for
assistance—mouse emulation firmware may need to be
upgraded for compatibility with newer servers. See the last page
for global contact information.
Mouse suddenly locks
up when a particular
computer is selected,
but operates normally
when other computers
are selected.
Loose cable from the server to the CIM.
Loose Cat5 UTP cable.
Paragon II components may be out of order. Verify that the server
works with a mouse directly connected. Contact Raritan
Technical support for assistance. See the last page for global
contact information.
OSUI non-functional. Replace the keyboard. OSUI works only with PS/2 or extended
AT-style keyboards.
Video is “fuzzy” or out of
Video Gain Adjustment is required (especially needed with LCD flat
panel monitors).
Activate OSUI (by pressing the Scroll Lock key twice rapidly).
Use numeric keypad + and - keys to adjust the video image until
it is in focus.
The USB Combo
keyboard and USB
mouse do not function
You may not follow the procedure described in this user guide to
connect the USB Combo keyboard and mouse. Power cycle the user
station to resolve the issue. See How to Connect a USB Combo
Keyboard (on page 48) for more information.
Access to an available
channel is unsuccessful
and the OSUI shows
"Switch busy. Please try
If two or more users highlight the same channel and press Enter to
access the channel almost "at the same second," the access conflict
occurs. The system will accept one user's access and reject the
others. Those who are rejected see the message "Switch busy.
Please try again." on the OSUI.
When this occurs, try to access the same channel again seconds