
Appendix F: Integration with Third-Party Switching Devices
STEP (C): Keep Paragon Manager Running and Connected
Paragon Manager plays an important role in the Paragon/NV5128
configuration. It can monitor the channel access activity at the connected
Paragon system and makes the router route audio/video signals when it
detects any channel access.
Check these points to ensure the function works properly:
Paragon Manager is running.
Paragon Manager is connected to the Paragon system where you
want the audio/video routing function enabled.
The router association data is implemented in Paragon Manager.
Important: Paragon Manager does not automatically import any
existing router association data when it is connected to any
Paragon system. You must import it manually or create the data
from scratch. See
STEP (B): Associate Router Ports with Paragon
Ports in Paragon Manager
(on page 219).
Illustration: Routing a Server's Audio Signals
This section illustrates how to configure the system for directing a
specific server's audio signals to speakers adjacent to your user station.
The diagram indicates the hardware configuration.