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You can install your system in just 6
easy steps:
1. Connect the starter disable mod-
2. Connect the system to power.
3. Train the remote controls.
4. Install the backup battery.
5. Mount the system.
6. Install the status indicator.
We recommend you get a wiring dia-
gram for your vehicle before you be-
gin, so you can easily find your
vehicle’s starter solenoid wire. Wiring
diagrams are available from your ve-
hicle’s dealer or from the Auto Securi-
ty Helpline at 1-800-598-2527.
You also need a 12-volt test lamp or
DC voltmeter and a wire-piercing
probe adapter (such as RadioShack
Cat. No. 278-715) to ensure proper
The starter disable module interrupts
power to your vehicle’s starter sole-
noid so the vehicle does not start
when the system is armed. Follow
these steps to connect the module.
1. Using the starter solenoid’s color-
coded wires as a guide, locate
the wire that goes from your vehi-
cle’s ignition (key) switch to the
solenoid. This wire is most easily
found where the wires connect to
the ignition switch near the steer-
ing column.
2. Connect the negative (usually
black) lead from a 12-volt test
lamp or DC voltmeter to a metal
vehicle body part.
3. Connect the wire-piercing probe
to the positive lead and press the
pin tip through the solenoid wire’s
insulation and into the wire itself.
4. Start your vehicle. The test light
should light or the meter should
indicate voltage
only while the
engine is cranking
(not while it
is stopped or running).
If the test fails, repeat Steps 2–4
using a different wire until you
find the correct one.
49-830.fm Page 6 Thursday, August 19, 1999 10:37 AM