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Your RS-3000 Auto Security Alarm
System’s voice alert warns away po-
tential thieves and alerts you to trou-
ble in a clear, loud, male voice and
shouts out a panic alert in a female
voice. It also includes advanced fea-
tures that help protect your vehicle
from theft, yet you can install it in less
than an hour. The two convenient
key-chain transmitters lets you arm
and disarm the system, sound a pan-
ic alert, or activate the car finder fea-
ture when you are away from your
Your RS-3000 includes these fea-
The following features marked
with an asterisk (*) might qualify you
for a discount on your vehicle insur-
ance premium. Show your insurance
agent the supplied certificate.
Alarm with 120 dB Alert
advises you of the alarm’s status
(armed or disarmed) and warns away
potential thieves.
, 120 dB Siren
— loud
enough to be heard from hundreds of
feet away.
Passive Armin
— automatically
arms the system after you exit the ve-
Starter Kill
— prevents anyone from
starting your vehicle when the system
is armed.
Electronic Dual-Sta
e Shock Sen-
— sounds a pre-alert warning the
first time someone strikes your vehi-
cle, then sounds the alert if it is hit
again within 30 seconds.
Current Sensin
— triggers
the alert when a door or trunk is
opened and the vehicle’s dome or
trunk light turns on, or when your ve-
hicle is hot wired, by sensing the cur-
rent draw.
Current Sensor B
— lets you
turn off current sensing if other elec-
tronic devices in your vehicle (such
as a high-power audio system or cel-
lular phone) make your alarm sound
false alerts.
Status Indicator
— mounted in plain
view, lets you easily determine the
status of the alarm system (armed or
disarmed) and warns away potential
h Theft Alert Mode
— lets you
set the alarm to announce that it is
armed or to chirp every 30 seconds.
Two Eas
-to-Use Ke
-Chain Re-
— let you easily control your
alarm from a distance.
Car Finder
— lets you make the
alarm sound beeps to help you find
your vehicle in a crowded parking lot.
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49-830.fm Page 2 Thursday, August 19, 1999 10:37 AM