A General Guide to Frequencies
Remote control stations and mobile
units operate at 5 MHz higher than their as-
sociated base stations and relay repeater
To help decide which frequency ranges to
scan, use the following listing of the typical
services that use the frequencies your scan-
ner receives. These frequencies are subject
to change, and might vary from area to area.
For a more complete listing, refer to
Call Radio Guide
including Fire and Emer-
gency Services, available at your local Ra-
dioShack store.
Abbreviations Services
AIR Aircraft
BIFC Boise (ID) Interagency Fire Cache
BUS Business
CAP Civil Air Patrol
CCA Common Carrier
CB Citizens Band
CSB Conventional Systems
CTSB Conventional/Trunked Systems
FIRE Fire Department
HAM Amateur (Ham) Radio
GOVT Federal Government
GMR General Mobile Radio
GTR General Trunked
IND Industrial Services
(Manufacturing, Construction,
Farming and Forest Products)
MAR Military Amateur Radio
MARI Maritime Limited Coast
(Coast Guard, Marine Telephone,
Shipboard Radio, and Private Stations)
MARS Military Affiliate Radio System
MED Emergency/Medical Services
MIL U.S. Military
MOV Motion Picture/Video Industry
NEW New Mobile Narrow
NEWS Relay Press
(Newspaper Reporters)
OIL Oil/Petroleum Industry
POL Police Department
PUB Public Services
(Public Safety, Local Government,
and Forestry Conservation)
PSB Public Safety
PTR Private Trunked
ROAD Road & Highway Maintenance
RTV Radio/TV Remote Broadcast Pickup
Base Stations 451.025–454.950 MHz
Mobile Units 456.025–459.950 MHz
Repeater Units 460.025–464.975 MHz
Control Stations 465.025–469.975 MHz
Activities Frequencies