
Trunking Operation
1. Turn on both scanners.
2. Connect the connecting cable to each
÷á(+*!ý )+
(+*!ý )+ (+*!ý )+
(+*!ý )+ !÷ôý 1
!÷ôý 1!÷ôý 1
!÷ôý 1,
KFý J<E;õý I<DFM<ý :89C<ý KFý <O@K
KFý J<E;õý I<DFM<ý :89C<ý KFý <O@KKFý J<E;õý I<DFM<ý :89C<ý KFý <O@K
KFý J<E;õý I<DFM<ý :89C<ý KFý <O@K
3. Press
áFE=@IDý J<E;ý ;8K8åý ñæ5
áFE=@IDý J<E;ý ;8K8åý ñæ5áFE=@IDý J<E;ý ;8K8åý ñæ5
áFE=@IDý J<E;ý ;8K8åý ñæ5!/
4. Press
to send the data to the other
scanner or press any other key to cancel
the operation.
The scanner sends the data. To exit the
clone mode, remove the cable.
Trunking Operation
The scanner tracks transmissions that use
the Motorola Type I and Type II (such as
Smartnet and Privacy Plus) and hybrid ana-
log trunking systems, plus GE/Ericsson
(EDACS) type systems extensively used in
many communication systems.
Trunking systems allocate a few frequencies
to many different users. When the mobile
unit transmits a signal, one frequency is cho-
sen from among the allocated frequencies in
that trunking system. The user's ID talk
group is sent with the signal.
To receive trunking signals, you must store
all the trunking control frequencies for Motor-
ola systems or all the trunking group fre-
quencies for EDACS in one bank (see
“Storing Known Frequencies into Channels”
on Page 15) and input ID codes in the ID
memory (see “Storing Talk Group IDs” on
Page 35).
Your PRO-2053 automatically calculates Mo-
torola voice channel frequencies when it de-
codes the control channel. This eliminates
the need to enter all of the Motorola group
frequencies, unless you do not know which
frequencies are the controls. If you are un-
sure which frequencies act as the controls,
you must enter all the system frequencies.
Since the control channels are subject to
change depending on the day of the week,
enter all the control frequencies in the same
bank. (Refer to the enclosed
The scanner displays the control channel
memory location on the top line, the received
channel with VC (voice channel) on the sec-
ond line, and the bank and control channel
memory location number on the third line.
The display shows the Motorola ID number
on the bottom line when the scanner de-
codes the Motorola control channel and finds
the voice channel.
To listen to the transmission, the
programmed channel’s mode must be the
same as the trunking channel (MOT, or ED).
When an ID code is received, the ID list for
the bank is searched, and if found, the text
name stored for the ID appears. If not found,
scanning resumes immediately unless the
bank is in open trunking mode.
There might be more than one talk
group transmitting at a time in some Motoro-
la trunking systems. If you set the scanner to
manually tune in Motorola trunking mode,
you will hear the talk group on that channel,
but the display will alternate between all ac-
tive IDs.
Trunking group frequencies are included in
the supplied
Trunking Guide
. Frequency fleet
map and talk group information is also widely