–Services– Menu
Aircraft Search civilian and military air frequencies:
108-118MHz Navigation
118-137MHz CivilianVoice
138-150MHz MilitaryVoice(excludes2mAmateur)
225-400MHz MilitaryVoice
Railroad SearchtheAssociationofAmericanRailroads(AAR)VHF
railroad frequencies used in the US and Canada.
Amateur Search amateur radio frequencies:
28.0-29.7MHz 10mBand
50-54MHz 6mBand
144-148MHz 2mBand
222-225 MHz 1.25cm Band
420-450MHz 70cmBand
902-928MHz 33cmBand
1240-1300MHz 23cmBand
CB Search the Citizens Band radio frequencies.
Marine SearchtheVHF-FMmarineradioband.
To change the Service Search parameters:
Press MENU while any Service Search is active. The following options
are available:
–”Service X”– Menu
Main Menu Navigates to iSCAN’s Main Menu.
Srvc Srch Menu Navigates to the Services Menu.
Store Channel Stores a found frequency as an object in the first playlist.
Cancel Changes Exits the Service Search Menu without saving changes.
Save Changes Saves your changes and exits the Service Search Menu.
Attenuator Limits the effective range of Service Search and may
help reduce interference from strong local transmitters.
Press /II/SEL or to enable or disable Attenuator.
–”Service X”– Menu
Zeromatic Helps iSCAN tune to exact frequencies when searching.
Press /II/SEL or to enable or disable Zeromatic.
Zeromatic does not have any effect in channel-based
Delay When delay is enabled, iSCAN waits for two seconds
after a transmission before resuming search. Press /II/
SEL or to enable or disable delay.
RX Mode SetstheRXmodulationmodetoautomatic,orforces
and Amateur bands. Press or to change.
For Service Searches that utilize frequency ranges, this
option allows you to control which ranges are searched.
The Frequency Ranges option is available in the Public
Safety, Aircraft and Amateur Radio Service Searches.
Press /II/SEL or to enable or disable frequency ranges.
Limit Search
iSCAN’s Limit Search feature allows you to configure a customized
search between the lower and upper frequencies that you choose.
To use Limit Search:
1. Press MENU to access the Main Menu, scroll to
Search, and
press to enter to the Searches Menu.
2. Scroll to
Limit Search and press to start the Limit Search.
n Note: Press SKIP to block reception of undesired signals.
To store found objects in playlists:
1. Press MENU when you find a frequency you want to store.
2. Select
Store Channel.
3. Press SEL. The new object is added to the first playlist and has
the alpha tag “Stored Search.”
n Note: Tomovethenewobjecttoanotherplaylistoredit
thealphatag,usetheObjectEditMenu(seepage 29)orthePC
Application(seepage 46).