Basic Operation
–Settings– Menu
Priority Mode When checked, Priority Mode is enabled. Objects
that have Priority enabled in the Object Edit Menu
will be checked more frequently for activity.
Priority Time Controls how frequently conventional channel
priority objects are checked.
G Atten Mode Whenchecked,GlobalAttenuatormodeis
enabled and iSCAN applies attenuation to every
object and search, ignoring the individual object’s
attenuation setting.
n Note:GlobalAttenuationmustbe
G Atten On ActivatesGlobalAttenuation.
Key Beeps Enables or disables key beep sounds.
Beep Volume Controls the volume of key beep sounds.
Alert Volume Controls the volume of object and low battery
alert sounds.
Contrast Sets the contrast of the LCD display.
LiteMode Sets the backlight mode to On, Stealth, Normal,
Key, or Ignore.
LiteArea Controls whether the LCD, keypad, or both should
be illuminated when the backlight is active.
LiteTime Controls how long the backlight stays on.
Welcome Text 1-5 Sets the text displayed when iSCAN is first turned
Blink Time 1-2 For alternating display elements, controls the
amount of time each item is displayed.
Show Radio ID Whenenabled,displaystheRadioID(ifavailable
for trunk radio systems that use the Radio ID
PC/IF CCDump When enabled, trunking control channel data is
sent to the PC/IF port.
Low Batt Time Controlstheinterval(seconds)betweenlow-
battery alert sounds.
iSCAN features three search modes: Signal Stalker II, Service Search,
and Limit Search. When you find a frequency, you can store it as an
object in a playlist.
Signal Stalker II
Signal Stalker II sweeps rapidly through frequency ranges in 1 MHz
blocks, looking for transmissions from nearby strong signal sources.
To use Signal Stalker II:
1. Press MENU to access the Main Menu, scroll to
Search, and
press to enter to the Search Menu.
2. Scroll to
Signal Stalker and press to enter the Stalker Menu.
• Select
All Bands to perform a Signal Stalker II search on all
common land mobile radio bands.
• Select
Public Safety to perform a faster Signal Stalker II
search on frequency ranges commonly used for public safety
iSCAN will immediately begin to sweep the frequency ranges
you have selected.
n Note: Press SKIP to block reception of undesired signals.
To store found objects in playlists:
1. Press MENU when you find a frequency you want to store.
2. Select
Store Channel.
3. Press SEL. The new object is added to the first playlist and has
the alpha tag “Stalker.”
n Note: Tomovethenewobjecttoanotherplaylistoredit
thealphatag,usetheObjectEditMenu(seepage 29)orthePC
Application(seepage 46).
To change the Signal Stalker II options:
Press MENU while Signal Stalker II is active. The following options
are available: